Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Little Things that Make a Big Difference - The Best Motivational Quotes and Stories

Little Things that Make a Big Difference

The story prevails early in the 19th century. There lived a poor man who was fond of talking a morning walk at the beach. 

He observed that the morning tide used to bring several starfishes along it and when the tide diminished they were left behind and use to die. 

One day on his morning walk he saw a fresh tide that bring along several starfishes along with it that were alive. 
He immediately took a few steps to gather the starfishes in his hand and started throwing each one of them back in water. 
He kept doing this repeatedly. 

Meanwhile there was another person on the beach, who was observing him, that person couldn't understand what this man was doing.

Anyhow he couldn't stop himself any more, and stood up to ask that man what actually he was up to? 

He exclaimed why are you wasting your time throwing each one of them back in water? 
There are hundreds of them, how many would you be able to help? What difference does it make??

Little Things that Make a Big Difference - The Best Motivational Quotes and Stories
Little Things that Make a Big Difference - The Best Motivational Quotes and Stories

The man did not reply. 
He took few more steps picked another one and threw it into the water, and said, “It makes a difference to this one.”

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